
New Arts Collaboration is an interdisciplinary art project for sound and multimedia. NAC connects with artists from multi-disciplined fields, forming a strong bond for artists to collaborate with each other, including living composers, sound artists, visual artists and artists from multidisciplines.

In our vision, sound as a human expression could be formed and interacted freely and experimentally with other mediums including electronics, tape, visuals, music, etc. With the mission, NAC collaborates with artists to create series of interdisciplinary artworks for showcases, concerts, and exhibitions. 

NAC is curated by pianist Ting Luo in 2020, highlighting the project's on-going premiere for piano and multimedia/extended piano technique.

Works by NAC have been selected and featured in CAPMT-MTNA Artists Panel Webinar, The San Luis Obispo Museum of Art’s Digital Shorts Film Festival, Fresh Inc Festival, New Music Gathering Conference/Festival, Old First Concert Series, Center for New Music, Thailand New Music and Arts Symposium, Tokyo International Short Film Festival and Pune Shorts International Film Festival.

NAC serves as a vessel for artists to be collaborative, be open-minded, and be creative through the partnership.


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logo, new arts collaboration, music event, concert event, san francisco
The music offered a wide variety of different technical and rhetorical approaches to composition, and the variations in media design were just as extensive.” - Stephen Smoliar

The Rehearsal Studio

NAC Premiere 2021